Before asking any questions, we suggest you to read the questions in this section carefully, because we have answered many frequently asked questions in this section covering subjects such as osteoarthritis disease, treatment duration, Synogel and Viscor injection and possible side effects after the injection and proper diet.
One of the most common types of arthritis is osteoarthritis which mainly affects the knee joint. The lack of attention and control of this issue can lead to joint destruction and eventually knee surgery.
There are several factors that cause osteoarthritis, including heredity, obesity, joint damage and aging.
The obvious symptoms of this disease are pain, swelling and dryness of the joints, limited movement of the joints.
a. Patients with osteoarthritis (early stages of osteoarthritis).
b. Those who have suffered joint injuries as a result of strenuous exercise.
c. Those who have used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) due to joint problems and have experienced severe side effects.
Hyaluronic acid is a polymeric compound that exist naturally in the joint space and is the major component of joint fluid which reduces in osteoarthritis.
These products act as "shock absorbers" and "joint movement lubricants" and cause the joint fluid to regenerate and causes delay in the progression of the disease.
Among the advantages of these products is the same effectiveness and cost compared to imported samples and they can show their effectiveness by maintaining the joint of patients up to one year after injection.
The advantage of injecting these products is much less side effects than injecting corticosteroids and also their shelf life (despite the short-term effectiveness of corticosteroids) is from 6 to 12 months in the body.
Observation of the therapeutic effects of these products is at least 4 to 26 days after the first injection.
Depending on the severity of the disease, treatment with Synogel is at least 3 and at most 5 injections per visit, and the interval between each single visit is at least one week and at most two weeks.
Viscor® treatment is a single injection.
Synogel and Viscor injections are strictly contraindicated only in patients who are allergic to hyaluronic acid. The efficacy and safety of this treatment in children, pregnant women and during lactation have not been studied.
No - Contrary to some claims, the use of these products in these patients (compared to analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and their side effects on the gastrointestinal tract, liver, blood sugar and blood pressure) is highly safe and therefore there are no restrictions on using these products in patients with diabetes, liver and kidney diseases and high blood pressure.
Side effects of this injection are very rare. Injection site pain is the most important complication after injection, which is temporary and transient. It is best to rest after the injection and use an ice pack at the injection site if necessary.
- Avoid heavy and stretching activities up to 48 hours after injection.
- Use ice packs at the injection site for up to 20 minutes, once in every few hours.
- Use drugs such as Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Mefenamic acid, etc. to control pain.
Losing weight, doing proper exercises under the supervision of your doctor
Intra-knee injection is the most well-known type of joint injection, however intra-articular injection can also be performed on other affected joints. These joints include the pelvis, shoulders, wrists, ankle and even small joints.
Foods that can lead to easing in the symptoms of osteoarthritis are salmon, olive oil, dairy products (milk and yogurt), vegetables (spinach, green tea and garlic), turmeric and ginger.
As a knowledge-based pharmaceutical company, Nitka is focused on improving patients' lives by identifying, developing and commercializing new products. Our main goal is to produce products based on hyaluronic acid.
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